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Saturday, 21 October 2017 12:36

The Sound Of Light

Written by  Priscilla K. Garatti

When I walked into the cabin, my son-in-law asked, "What do you think of the lighting?"  As my eyes scanned the vaulted ceiling and honey-colored pine walls, I noted a soft, amber glow from the various lighting in the home.  Melded with the natural sunlight pouring from the windows and sky lights, the effect was breathtaking.  I exclaimed, "It's gorgeous."  My son-in-law explained he had installed specialized light bulbs that re-created the effect of gas lights.  As I finished my tour through the mountain home, I feasted on light.  All week as I enjoyed a respite in the quietude of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the light drew me in, almost as if it carried melodic sounds.  I could look up at the sky lights, perfect rectangles of blue, welcoming daylight.  I could stare at the flame in the firelight on a chilly evening and allow its glow to lull me into tranquil calm.  And when I walked pathways outdoors, the sun streaming through autumn red and gold leaves, created delicate patterns of shadow and light.

I couldn't quite stop thinking about the concepts of sound and light paired together.  I carried my thoughts a bit further and recalled how much I relate to soundtracks when I watch movies.  Some of my favorite movies I enjoy because of the soundtrack.  Most recently I watched LaLa Land several times, because I loved the soundtrack.  One of God's descriptions is The Father of Lights.  Perhaps God is like a great composer who spends part of His time creating soundtracks for each individual.  In other words, this good Father, only light-filled, devoid of darkness, adores to compose soundtracks fitting to each person on earth.  And His soundtracks of people are filled with His light and musicality.  Perhaps we are attracted to the light because we hear the soundtrack of who we are.

So many cultural and emotional dynamics block the light--busyness, negative mindsets, fatigue, time pressure--the list could go on and on.  But what if we stopped to listen?  What if we tuned in to His voice that is filled with brilliant light?  We might hear our own soundtrack that He's composed--not only for our enjoyment, but also for the delight of others.

My daughter and son-in-law stood on the front porch of their cabin waving good-bye to my husband and me as we made our way down the mountain and home to the Lowcountry of Charleston.  I looked back to get one last glance.  I could see sunshine spilling over the cabin, golden and glinting, my daughter's face lifted to the light.  

Brilliant, His voice and His face, streaming brightness. ~Psalm 29:3 (The Message)