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Thursday, 11 March 2021 12:41

A Friend Who Esteemed Her

Written by  Priscilla K. Garatti
A Friend Who Esteemed Her Photo by AlexLinch

She was possessed by the most piteous yearning for a friend who esteemed her. Who could help her find herself again. She was a woman who had lost herself.~From Ecstasy by Mary Sharratt

In recognition of Women's History Month, I salute some of the women who have helped me to find myself again. The women are listed in alphabetical order and initials are used to protect identities.

AG~A woman I admire for her love and tenacity. She is bi-lingual. When I travel to Italy, she speaks English so that I don't feel so confused. She bravely raises two lovely daughters in a troubled world. She tells me that often when she reads my blog posts, she senses that I "get her." She "gets me," and this is such comfort.

AM~A. is tri-lingual. She lived in the US for many years, acclimating to a different culture. I know some of the strength it takes to do this. On each side of the ocean, she has helped me to find my way. tirelessly and creatively to minister to children. She also keeps writing songs and singing and will produce an album this summer of music she's written. Her willingness and enthusiasm to pursue her passions are such encouragement when I feel like throwing in the towel with writing.

CR~C. approached me one night at a creativity conference. She said she wanted to introduce herself to other creative folk. We formed a bond. She models such courage. She chose love and moved to another state and made a new life. She has not looked back, even though she has struggled. Her story helps me to keep pursuing love.

DB~D. also approached me decades ago and boldly stated she wanted to be my friend. How did she know that an introvert like me would need an invitation to friendship? We have never parted ways, even though we do not live close geographically. Her perseverance to raise five children and now to care for her mother with such faith and determination is mind-boggling to me. I don't know how she does it. She would say, "living one day at a time by faith." How I need her wisdom in my life.

FE~F. is like a cheerleader to me. Her vivacity and creativity are like "sparklers" on a dark night. Her practical feedback and honest appraisal of my writing has helped me to keep moving forward. I not only respect her "creative eye," but also admire her commitment as a mother to raise children inside a home filled with beauty and faith.

GP~Her home is filled with pastel colors and baked goods that rival Martha Stewart. Bright flowers bloom along the borders of her yard. Seeds seem to sprout in the warmth of her countenance. She loves the Word and is a powerful prayer warrior.  She still writes snail mail. Her quiet confidence to be herself is like a super power in my life.

JA~J. lives a life of bold faith. And her unwavering faithfulness to me continues to be a tower of strength. Recently, she made a decision that has drastically changed the trajectory of her life--a choice that has taken the courage of a lion. I look at her success and am challenged to be bold as well.

JT~J. provides delicious conversation and book recommendations. She is stalwart in her faith and has raised three gorgeous and talented children. Her ability to live life realistically and mindfully is a consistent anchor in my life.

KJ~K. has lived her life managing disability. She does so with humor and grace. Her faith in God is wider than the ocean. She encourages me in the way she trusts God. She is frugal. I love how she models this trait, especially.

KT~If I had to choose a woman who takes appropriate risks, K. would be the one. A couple of years ago, her life was headed one way. Then it wasn't. She bravely forged another path, moving to another state and re-starting her education. I don't know how she did it, really. She would say it is God's grace that provided and continues to provide her energy. I stand back in awe and thanksgiving that I have a woman like this in my life.

MD~M. is probably the most elegant woman I know. She speaks with eloquence and courtesy. She is well-read. She loves poetry. Every time I am with her, she causes me to feel as if I'm the most important person in the world. She works hard and loves her family. What fortune to have M. in my life.

MMB~M. is proficient at asking open-ended questions. Her curiosity to know others and to explore life is a supremely engaging quality. She is the woman who takes the road less traveled with faith and passion. She is skilled at finding delight wherever she travels. 

SP~S. has "staying power" in my life. We met as adolescents. S. has never let go of my hand. She loved me as a teenager, and loves me now as a senior. Her love has transcended the decades.

I honor all of you. Thank you for your rich presence in my life. For esteeming me. For helping me not lose myself.