
Blog (408)

My hope is to offer encouragement to writers as well as those who simply love to read. You will find eclectic snippets here—news of projects I’m working on, comments regarding books I enjoy, favorite authors, quotes, and reflections regarding my own experiences. I especially like to write about my dreams—those parables in the night seasons. Symbols and metaphors delight and intrigue me. You will find them here.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023 13:23

Celestial Navigation

Written by Priscilla K. Garatti

This ascetic cubicle of couldn't go back he understood that now. You had to press on. You had to forge ahead.~Elizabeth Brundage (From The Vanishing Point)

I've been thinking about moving when you don't want to. When you are forced to. A good friend of mine had to pack up and move quickly. Rent a truck and find boxes. Boxes are hard to find. You have to scramble. So much tape. So many emotions that must be pared down along with all the things.

His mother came to help, kept things flowing. "You probably won't use that. Leave it here." She wrapped the oriental vases carefully, her hands strong. Capable. 

And so a picture here, another there removed from the wall. You can see the outline of the frame, the paint slightly darker where the picture once sat, the hooks exposed. A naked, vulnerable space.

Monday, 10 April 2023 19:58

Divine Latitude

Written by Priscilla K. Garatti

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.~Psalm 16:6

Last week I sat with a group of women. The topic of bucket lists emerged. Most everyone spoke of magical places they wanted to visit--a desire to quench a thirst for adventure in fantastical locations that fueled their imaginations.

I had a different reaction. I didn't yearn to go anywhere. 

I thought, "I want to enjoy the spot I'm in now. To savor the parts of my life that seem like manna every day." I like to read the Bible and hear the dryer tumbling as I sit in my green chair in the study. I like listening to Pandora and humming a song I remember as a girl. I like spraying Dolce E Gabbana Light Blue on my wrists and inhaling the good smell. The small luxuries of existence are like a bucket list to me. To feel contentment, joyful even, where I am.

To anchor into the day and want no more, not wish for things to change, or for people to be nicer or the rain to stop or to be prettier. Rather to gently crack open the spine of a book, hear the rustling pages, smell the fragrance of paper and ink. Absorb the story, drink my coffee.

Monday, 27 March 2023 14:17

Refusing To Begin, Or Reluctant To Go On?

Written by Priscilla K. Garatti

What we run from pursues us. What we face transforms us.~David Kessler

I started writing books in 2005. Writing was a way to face my life and losses, my gains and wins. Writing became a bridge to healing, an unexpected and loyal companion. 

Over the last two years I've written another novel. I'm now working on refurbishing the rough draft. The work is intense, and the satisfaction the creative process brings me, practically scandalous. I love to write.

In my second novel, I stick with the topic that interests me. Grief and loss. The possibility of hope to transcend the darkness. I continue to practice one of the fundamental principles I follow in my writing. Write about what intrigues and interests me. What I notice. There are a million books about grief and loss, but none from my perspective. I don't let the volumes already written deter me.

I share an excerpt with you in this post. My protagonist is named Alexandra. Alex for short. She has run from her pain and lives alone on the Oregon coast with her dog, Stella. She has consistent phone contact with her grandmother, Marvel. Alex has been having many dreams in the night watches. She doesn't know what to make of them. Perhaps you'll be able to discover the title of the book as you read. (Let me know if you'd like to take guess about what it is.) Surely, you'll be able to understand where the image and the title I chose for the post comes from after you read the excerpt.

Thank you for your continued interest to read what I write. There is no greater gift.

Monday, 20 March 2023 14:18

Blue Ink

Written by Priscilla K. Garatti

I had become proficient in the poetry of acceptance.~Rebecca Woolf (From All Of This)

My sister and niece arrived during a rainstorm. I picked them up at the airport, and rushed to quickly hug them, our faces moist with raindrops and joy to see each other once again. The whole of their visit was marked with platinum skies and unseasonably cool temperatures for March in Charleston. Yet we did not let the weather mar our time. We basked in the fellowship of one another, gathered around the table, burning a candle and feasting on good food and sweet companionship. We talked and laughed, bound by our history and love. And their kind hearts of grace toward me caused me to think of all the sweet acoustics of life that are poured out by God, like that spring rain that wet our faces and...

~Driving down a road with the ocean a stripe of cobalt on the left.

~When someone you love gets well.

~Sunlight streaming in my window and glancing off the purple orchid.

~Sitting on the porch in the early morning, birds chirping, a fresh breeze on my face, the sky smudged with pink. 

~That good feeling after a workout, sweat trickling down the back.

~Toast spread with Nutella.

~Notebooks with lines and those without.

~The scent of jasmine and giant hedges of pink and coral azaleas.

~The ability to keep doing the mundane tasks of everyday living, grateful I can move and hear and bound up the steps.

~Riding on the back of a motorcycle, my arms around my husband's waist, the Lake of Garda spangled with sunlight.

~The poetry of the Psalms.

Friday, 10 March 2023 13:22

Butterflies In Winter

Written by Priscilla K. Garatti

Butterflies in winter often chase away the losses.~Phrase a character heard in a dream from my book, Missing God.

Last week a former colleague of mine died. She was young. It felt impossible to imagine that she was gone from this world. I think this feeling fits the word empty. I felt empty. Her absence like someone snatching something precious out of my heart. How could she be gone just like that? I wasn't prepared. No, I wasn't ready for this reality.

And then the truth began to sink in. I couldn't deny (though I wanted to, my brain wanted to) that she was absent from this earth--her absence like a sad presence.

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What Readers Are Saying

In Missing God Priscilla takes a brave and unflinching look at grief and the myriad ways in which it isolates one person from another. The characters are full-bodied and the writing is mesmerizing. Best of all, there is ample room for hope to break through. This is a must read.

Beth Webb-Hart (author of Grace At Lowtide)

winner"On A Clear Blue Day" won an "Enduring Light" Bronze medal in the 2017 Illumination Book Awards.

winnerAn excerpt from Missing God won as an Honorable Mention Finalist in Glimmertrain’s short story “Family Matters” contest in April 2010.